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发布日期:2016-11-08   点击量:


To reinforce the management on electromobiles inside the campus and ensure the school security, hereby inform the details of this campaign.


Specialized Campaign


Infrastructure Management Department, Security Department and the Police Station of Lin’an police in ZAFU will make a joint force from November 15th to reinforce the management on electromobiles inside the campus.


Electromobile management


It is strictly forbidden to charge the electromobiles by the electric wires or the sockets installed in private. All are required to charge the electromobiles by the charging piles set up by school inside the campus. It is also required to dismantle the improper wires set by any individuals or units before the joint campaign starts.


All the vehicles must line up in order while charging. It is required to drive away your vehicles once the charging is finished so that others may charge their vehicles in time.


All the electromobiles must be parked in the garage or the designated areas around the building. It is strictly forbidden to park the vehicles on exit route, in front of safety exit, laboratories, offices and staircases.


According to the Fire Control Law of PRC and Fire Control Law of Zhejiang Province, it is strictly forbidden to install wires and sockets in private for charging. No individual or unit is allowed to take space of the exit route, safety exit or the fire lane. Those who charge their electromobiles improperly will be fined with ranging from 50 to 200 RMB. Those who park their electromobiles improperly will be given a talk and if he or she refuses to correct the error will be fined with ranging from 50 to 200 RMB and the law executor will inform the offender’s unit about the offense as well.

地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号    Address:666 Wusu Street,lin'an District,Hangzhou,China 311300

国内电话:0571-63741155,0571-63748756,0571-63926891    Overseas 网址 www.ahjiji.com    Email:iczafu@163.com

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